Associazione ticinese dei giornalisti

Catanialeppo ASMA CAPUCCI ASSAD guerra KIPPUR pv, SAUDITA la ''mafia ebraica'' CFR pensioniamola !

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icon10  view post Posted on 17/9/2006, 18:32

da [email protected] ; molcalevi @


Ai Capi degli Stati I TAL YA e ISRAE'L :
Giorgio Napolitano e Moshe' KATSA'V ,
I MOLCA movimento per la lotta contro l' antisemitismo
Mondo ottenga Luca Coscioni Atleta …
trasmettono l ` augurio - appello per il CAPODANNO ROSH HA SHANA'

Illustrissimi signori Presidenti d ' I TAL YA e ISRAE'L ,

la Comunita' Ebraica Molchita Transnazionale a Voi si appella perche'
diate l' allarme verso il GLOBAL MORTAL PERICOLO , la SAUDITA
`' mafia ebraica CFR `' , il SABBateismo ,
l ` `'Ebraismo Capovolto `' . I sedicenti `' ILLUMINATI ` ` .

Catania - Damasco – Aleppo va a IMPERARE sul GLOBO , suo Califfato .
Da Catania Monsignor Hilarion Capucci Marcinkus , me'ntore di Mehmet
Ali' Agca' , ordino' le tragedie del Nainileven
undici Settembre 2001 .

Padre naturale di Felipe prossimo Re di Spagna e Gerusalemme ;
e di Bush JR ASSAD SAD ASS , fotocopia di Felipe , Hilarion
Capucci aveva organizzata la incursione alla Ambasciata degli Stati
Uniti a Teheran col suo pupillo Mehmet Ali' Ahmadinejad .
Distintosi quale capo aguzzino sugli ostaggi , Mehmet Ali `
Ahmadinejad divenne sindaco di Teheran e poi presidente dell `
Iran . Nel frattempo Cappucci Kapudji, figlio d' un GAULEITER di
Aleppo e di una Duchessa di Bergamo di Sopra , con magistrale sua
diplomazia IOR ha ottenuto il rilascio dei prigionieri e loro
ritorno negli Stati Uniti .

Lunedi' 12 Settembre 2006 il regi'me nazimaoista di Sad Ass
ASSAD Asma & Bush JR ha organizzato l' assalto alla ambasciata USA
di Damasco e lo ha prontamente sventato . Asma Assad Wallis
Warfield Simpson Principessa di WIND e di IOR .

La Globalmafia CFR `' ILLUMINATI `' ha gia ` appuntata sulla
giacca di Bush JR ASS SAD e di Asma Rockefeller Assad la medaglia
di U RAGNO all' uopo predisposta ante 11 Settembre NAINILEVEN
2006 . I varj Pippo Calo' e Rijna Toto' globali : Microbi
Benatof ; Bronfman ; Haas … dalla CALIF FORNIA dal Brasile dal
Venezuela dall ` Iran e dalla Colombia hanno ormai approntato
tutto . Cali' KALI' Asma Califfa Iside Cali' apparecchia .

Messico Venezuela Cuba Bolivia han pronto il piano BRICK Brasile
Russia India Cina Korea del SID . Cali' Colombia il KKKLAN dei
Putinieri . Vlad Putin e' il duceboss dei NARCO$ colombiani , come
ampiamente documenta p es Fabio Dragosei sul Corriere Della Sera
supplemento ECONOMIA Lunedi' 2 Giugno 2003 . Consuocero di Silvio
Prodi ULIPOLPO , Vlad Impalatore e la sua cosca dei PUTINIERI sono
i massimi fornitori di armi ai duciboss sedicenti Ceceni ; e tutti
insieme sono i massimi massacratori di tanti sventurati Popoli
Fratelli dei Ceceni . Con la benedizione dei Bush e di Billary
Clinton , che al Contribuente Americano , alla Federal Reserve , han
sottratti almeno

65 Trillion $ , sessantacinque milioni di milioni di Dollari USA ,

versati a se' mesmi attraverso CAYMAN e SUDAN , Somalia e CURNO
d' Africa dove le Corti Islamiche , le MAMME CFR , IMPER versano .

Ora il piano e' predisposto in ogni dettaglio . Mehmet
Ahmadinejad Capucci si appresta a liberare dagli ERETICI Giza Gaza
Medina Gedda , dintorni e contorni , lanciando U RAGNO acceso minga
spent su Roma , Gerusalemme , La Mecca ; e sulla Mecca della
Calif Fornia, Los Angeles Los Diablos , con la consulenza del
duceboss dei TONG, le Triadi, il famigerato Cinese Chen Ey , l'
eminenza grigia del CFR . Gemello Siamese di Condom Cessa Lice .
Il Klan dei TEHERUNI arricchisce U RAGNO per averne altro pronto
fra qualche anno , e ha pronte apparecchiate gia' almeno parte
delle DUECENTOCINQUANTA testate nucleari prodotte dall ` URSS nel
1988 . Spedite col francobollo da Kiev alla Russia nel 1992 , mai
pervennero all ` Ufficio Postale di Mosca .

Subito dopo il Klan dei Teheruni sara' punito dalla LAICA Siria
di Asma Assad Rockefeller Murdoch , col suo Papa' di Londra Dallas
Canberra massimi finanziatori dei Blair , dei varj Chirac ...
tutti ai SUO IOR DINI .

Spaccano vetri e tutto , poi si offrono per il dialogo
riparatore , secondo il MODELLO del MONELLO `' THE KID `'
magistralmente documentato un secoletto fa da Charlie Chaplin .
La finestra ora piu' esposta e' al CAIRO . I vetraj han gia'
fissato prossimo appuntamento per Hosni Moubarak e famiglia coi
predecessori : Anwar El Sadat , Hariri , Gemajel, Rabi'n ,
3 Kennedy 3 … I successori all ` uopo predisposti sono a
Khartoum a Aleppo e nelle varie
Tripoli . IN GHANA .

Aleppo – Catania e' l' epicentro dell ` EPIRO e del CALIFFATO
prossimi venturi . LA GLOBALMAFIA CFR e' la MA MA MA MA MA MA ,
la MAFIA di Marsiglia Marsala Marrakesh Magliana Modena Mosca
Montevideo Scandiano Sanfratello ( Messina ) Riad Arcore Arcoriad
Manhattan . Ha venduti i satelliti, tutta la flotta , dell ` I
TAL YA alla famiglia Bin Laden Ledeen ; e all ` Iran ha venduto il
piu' formidabile satellite – spia del Mondo , made in I TAL YA .
Meglio di tre finanziarie . Con la consulenza di Ricky Franco
Levinsky Marcinkus e della di lui gemella Siamese Monica Levinsky
Marcinkus & di Bobottino e Stefy Crack Si' di Pisa e di
Livorno : litigano di giorno ma la notte no . Omnipervasivi e
omnipersuasivi in ogni ORAL ROOM e in ogni ORAL OFFICE .

Ricardo Franco Levi Ricky coi suoi cugini prof. Avv. Giorgio
Bordieri Sacerdoti , Prof . Avv. Luciano Belli Paci , e le
Rosette Cutolo adottive loro figliuole come Annie Bordieri
Sacerdoti e Paola Sereni Rosenzweig distruttrici delle Scuole e
della Comunita' Ebraica in particolare di MILAN NO . Come la
figlia di Paola , Caterina Rosenzweig Sereni , di PRIMA LINEA, la
mente dell' assassinio di Walter Tobagi, 28 Maggio 1980 ,
felicemente al sicuro in Brasile .
Marco Barbone , di PRIMA LINEA , allora suo fidanzato , finalmente
potrebbe da Voi essere indotto a vuotare il sacco . E cosi'
ajutare la prevenzione di altre DELEGHE ALLA EDITORIA tipo TOBAGI .

Napolitano & Katsav , il CFR apparecchia la prossima ventura

Ci appelliamo a Voi perche' apriate gli occhj Vostri e dei
cittadini , dei Popoli tutti , della UMANITA' verso la DISUMANITA'
CFR , il `' Council on Foreign Relations `' , la GLOBALMAFIA , i
cortigiani sedicenti `' Ebrei `', i famigerati HOFJUDEN . Spaccia ,
e si spaccia per `' Ebrei `' , anzi per `' gli Ebrei `' . E ` il
peggior nemico dell ` Umanita' e in particolare di noi Ebrei e dell

CFR Carnegie Ford Rockefeller ; comunisti fascisti razzisti .
Sinclair Bechtel Enron . Il nostro compagno Giacomo Matteotti nel
1924 si accorse : SINCLAIR , il CFR , coi fondi neri del petrolio
finanziava ogni duceboss , ogni regime come la Unione Sovietica ;
e come l' I TAL YA e la Germania gia' nazifasciste dal 1922 .

Poveri Enrico Mattei , Aldo Moro ….

Poveri Rosselli , Carlo Casalegno , Giorgio Ambrosoli , Walter
Tobagi , Emilio Alessandrini , Occorsio , Falcone , Borsellino ,
Rostagno , Siani, Quattrocchi , la Corrocher segretaria di Roberto
Calvi e Nicola Calipari … quanti s OVRA tutto in I TAL YA e in
Israe'l han raggiunto Giacomo Matteotti per aver capito o comunque
infastidito il CFR , la CUPOLA con la COPPOLA ,
i satanisti ILLUMINATI luciferini . HOFJUDEN .

del ''Piano di Rinascita democratica dell' I TAL YA '' di Ser
Ciappelletto Licio Gelli di Arezzo - Poggiosecco - Certaldo, i
'' CHILDRRON OF GOD '' the FAMILY del sedicente Mose' Burg . Le
comunita' '' MONTESSORIANE '' tipo SAMAN . Povero ROSTAGNO .
Pape' Satan Pape' Satan Aleppe .

Signori Presidenti , il CFR ha premeditati e scatenati gli
orrori di questi secoli e giorni ovunque ; fra l' altro organizzo'
l' assassinio di Yitzha'k RABI'N . Quel Premier aveva capito tutto :
OSLO suicidio di Israe'l . Il CFR fece e continua a fare la sua OVRA
tramite i PERESITI , che tutto e tutti impfestano . Hanno distrutte
le Comunita' e quasi tutte le istituzioni Ebraiche ovunque , in I
TAL YA s OVRA tutto . Il CFR organizzo' l' assassinio del Primo
Ministro Israeliano tramite ShiRACmon PERES il 4 Novembre 1995 a Tel
Aviv. Incolpando gli Ebrei religiosi come Yiga'l Amir, innocente
all' ergastolo .

Amir `' sparo' `' a salve per una esercitazione , su incarico
dello stesso RABI'N ( Z. L . ) , ma poi Yoram Rubin gorilla
peresita di Rabi'n , e Eitan Haber , peresita , segretario
generale dell' ufficio della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri ,
lo uccisero imperdavvero , tele pilotati via Parigi da Carmi
Gillon , capone dei vizj segreti peresiti , del MOSSAD deviato e
oggi piu' che mai ( c ) attivo . Chiediamo la riapertura del
processo , secondo ricchi documenti raccolti e diffusi in ispecie da
Barry Chamish , giornalista Israeliano esiliato in Canada come il
figlio di Roberto Calvi . ; chamish @

potete cercare autore CHAMISH su e su

I libri di Barry Chamish sono pubblicati in I TAL YAno e in
Ivri'th ( Ebra'ico ) e in decine di lingue in dozzine di Paesi .
Grazie . Ossequi , col piu' cordiale Ciaolo'm .

Mancano poche ore al Capodanno , Rosh Ha Shana ` 5767
- 22 Settembre 2006 , e l' 1 Ottobre 2006 e' la vigilia di KIPPU'R .
Tutti dobbiamo vigilare e non possiamo piu' perdere nemmeno
un minuto . Restiamo a disposizione anche col nostro gruppo INTER net

Grazie , Buon lavoro ! I segretarj dei MOLCA e di ARTSENU ( ° )

Franco JAL Joseph Arturo LEVI e Lino F. CERVA

Via Fratelli Fraschini 007 GRATOSOGLIO di SOTTO

Ph +39 0289301262 3492218113 fa'kkes 0289306182

Levi.franco @ tiscali .it ; molcalevi @ yahoo .it

(° ) ARTSENU Associazione RaSDIcal tzionistica Trasnazionale pro
Sufficienza Economica delle NU Nazioni Unte VUNCIUNE .

Agli Onorevoli Presidenti Giorgio Napolitano E
Moshe' Katsa'v

A : Presidenza.Repubblica @ Quirinale . it ;
President @ President . gov . il Info-coor @


CFR HOFJUDEN actual courtesans GLOBALMAFIA, forged topsyturvy Judaism
false JEWS

CFR veri CORTIGIANI falsi Ebrei: Ebraismo capovolto SABBateismo

](:-(|)=- e' logo dei RAEL-IANI CFR BAAL e i suoi profeti NEFILIM i
prufett di BALL GOLIA nazicosmomafia madre spirituale LAROUCHIANI

BAAL e i suoi profeti i PRUFETT di BALL NEFILIM seguaci di
BAAAL MOLOCH BEELZEBUB ! settazze le sorelle sette settucole e


e' il logo dei RAEL-IANI, la nazicosmomafia, CFR, madre spirituale

Subject: "Ebrei di corte" sono CORTIGIANI, NON sono EBREI sono
CFR Carnegie Ford Rockefeller comunisti fascisti razzisti
pse also see ; [email protected]

"Come detto ordianzi, alcuni vorrebbono dividere il Mondo fra
Giudì e Gentili, lasciando fuori tutte le altre religioni. I
pennivendoli non sono educatori. Eppertanto contan su, ma mica ci
spiegano la storia e le storielle delle teste di legno e d' altra
roba detti "Hofjuden", gli "Ebrei" muse appigionate (dai re dai
signorotti, dai duciboss). Sempre a corte, e corteggiati da tutt' i
mafiosi. Avevano e hanno soprannomi Ebra'ici (LEVI , o VITALI; o
VITALE o CO[H]EN magari), ma Ebrei non sono, proprio no.

Eppure i sempliciotti continuano a cantarla a contarla e a
pallarla: "Già ecco quelli sono giudei". Questi HOFJUDEN sono
furbacchioni, veri cortigiani, ambiziosi che peggio non si può.
Sanno di essere gli spaventapasseri, i leccaculi e le spie
capratorie nonché i capri espiatorj. Se il re'gime, la Corona, l'
Autorita' Centrale, si ritrova nei guai, l' "Ebreo" di Corte se ne
accorge precocemente; continua la tresca e gli affari con l'
Establishment maligno e poi, prima che la distruzione cominci
addosso ai veeeeri Ebrei, se la svigna col Bobottino sanguinario e
insanguinato verso un altro Paese ". Sherman Skolnick

" As we said earlier, some would divide the World between Jews
and Gentiles , leaving out all the other religions . The pressfakers
are not educators . So we are not told the history of " hofjuden " ,
royal court types with Jewish surnames not actually Jews . Simple
folks persist in hollaring , regardless
" But they ARE Jews ! " Hofjuden are clever types, ambitious
in the extreme who know that they are stooges and scapegoats. If
the regime , the Crown , the Central Authority , is in trouble , the
hofjuden find out and continue a business relationship with the evil
Establishment and then, before the destruction begins of actual
Jews , escape with their bloody fortune to another
country . " Sherman Skolnick

VLARIO di Firenze Trieste Olbia BERGAMO di SOTTO PonteSPIETRO ,
Magnifico Rettore del "Centro Studi Monetari " BERGAMO di S8 PONTE SPIETRO

From: '' Franco JAL JosephArturo Levi MOLCA movimento lotta contro

Barry Chamish Escapes Death from

Barry Chamish and David Rutstein, both residents of Israel, state
unequivocally that Shimon Peres ordered the murder of Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin of blessed memory and NO ONE SUES US!

Pay attention to the back passenger door of Yitzhak Rabin's Limo...
Fill out your e-mail address to receive Barry Chamish`s newsletter!

To invite Barry Chamish to a speaking engagement (in English or in
Hebrew), write: b a r r y c h a @ g m a i l . c o m

c h a m i s h @ n e t v i s i o n . n e t . i l Wayne Owens, U.S. Congressman, murdered
by " serial killer " ShiRACmon Peres... The Yitzhak Rabin
Assassination : Yitzhak Rabin`s third wound proven

Yitzhak Rabin`s magic disappearing hole

No gunpowder on Yigal Amir`s hands!

Eyewitnesses to the Yitzhak Rabin murder

Yitzhak Rabin`s bodyguard was NOT injured !

"Yigal Amir did not shoot the bullets that murdered Yitzhak Rabin" -
Testimony from the Yigal Amir trial.

The SHABAK takes over the Rabin murder investigation ...

Leah Rabin supported reopening investigation... suddenly died...

"WOMAN'S WORLD" magazine interview with Dalia Rabin-Pelossof,
daughter of Yitzhak Rabin ... Yoram Rubin Shot Yitzhak Rabin
The Last 30 Days of Yitzhak Rabin ...

Barry Interviews an Eyewitness to the murder of Yitzhak Rabin

The murder of Raful Eitan ... More Barry on Raful`s accident

Gideon to Rafael " Raful " Eitan`s rescue . Back to the War Zone ...

Jews Really Do Murder Jews Israel Government blackmails it
Israel Government blackmails it Rabbis - Taking Back Matters ...

Let's Twist Again, Like We Did All Summer

My Modest Suggestion For Gush Katif

The Phoney Slichot of the Yesha Council

The Kapos of Israel

We Are About To Win

Into The Lions Den

Pablos Last Shot

Sharon's 'Lucky' Strokes & Link to $3 Million Bribe

Ariel Sharon's killers confess

The Murder of Ofra Haza ... The missing Yemenite children

Ringworms ... Natan Sharansky - The LIAR ... Minister Zeevi
demands Shimon Peres` resignation, two days later MURDERED ...

Avishai Raviv, SHABAK agent, cover gets blown ...

The secret war against the settlers ... Evidence in Toronto ...

Stanley Fischer - A MONSTER in the bank of Israel ...

Kerry, Gaza and the new SABBATEAN HOLOCAUST! ...

Ruminations for Adir Zik ... It's Pesach Cleaning Time Again ...

The Crimes of Avigdor Eskin
Shabak in Action ... Another Withrawal, Another Shabak Massacre ...

Welcome to Fascist Israel - part 1...

Arrest on Sight - Ariel Sharon, Sociopath...

Barry Reveals Ariel Sharon in 2001

Photos of U.S. Army Base in The Holy Land -
It Was A Very Bad Year Yitzhak Rabin's Memorial .

Vatican Without Comment The Road From Rome

Hebron Jews invaded by Zionist forces Political Crime in Israel

From Jericho , far from the polls Each and every Israeli Knesset
member knows that the real murderers of Yitzhak Rabin are free !
Individuals must make the effort to email, fax, call or personally
visit these Knesset members and demand justice for the murderers of
Yitzhak Rabin and so many others. " Our hands hath not shed the
blood... " The murder of JFK Jr . and others

Ben Gurion & the Labor Zionists collaboration with the DEVIL ...

Ben Gurion Tortured Jews in Radiation Tests ...

Shiracmon Peres takes care of all the players ...

Baruch Goldstein, Shamgar, Carmi Gillon and 29 bodies ..

Covering up for peace - the MURDER of Judge Adi Azar ...
"Azar killed for being Judge"

Today`s murder for peace - David Weiner

What (or who) is The Real Reason Why Pollard Sits ...

Daniel Pipes DOWN ! ... Ariel Sharon fights to prevent military
coup ... Flowers for Armageddon ... Betrayed by
our "Friends" ... Shimon Peres threatens police complaint against
Chamish Slichot for Rabin Itamar Ben Givir Sues Barry Chamish

Mount Zion Coveted by Rome Shimon Peres' Attempt on Ariel
Sharon's Life Olmert OMERTA' at it again

Hope and Tragedy Pipline to War Barry is Back

ShiRACmon Peres & More Conspiracies Larry Silverstein Pulls it Off

Click here to send news tips to Barry...

David Rutstein's flash clips

David Rutstein ' s web site to bring Shimon Peres to justice

5 more videos that will put Shimon Peres in jail ( translated into
English )

* Yigal Amir - police interrogation - Dec 3, 1995

* Health Minister Efraim Sneh - Nov 4, 1995

* Dr Barabash - Nov 4, 1995

* Shimon Peres - Nov 5, 1995

* Shimon Peres - Israel's new Prime Minister

Donate to David Rutstein's efforts to bring Shimon Peres to justice

Wacko Terror Flash Clips

m o l c a l e v i @ y a h o o . i t

l e v i . m o l c a @ t i s c a l i . i t


videos will put Shimon Peres in jail

David' s Diary David Rutstein's interview by British Television
Video of David's Arrest at Rabin Rally David on the Radio
Larissa Amir's Radio interview David on the Radio #2

David's Web Sites

6 videos that will put Shimon Peres in jail
*The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video"

* Yigal Amir - police interrogation

* Health Minister Efraim Sneh - Nov 4, 1995

* Dr Barabash - Nov 4, 1995

* Shimon Peres - Nov 5, 1995

* Shimon Peres - Israel's new Prime Minister

David's Flash Productions - David Rutstein sending spam under name
Yitzhak Rabin

David Rutstein puts online "the Yitzhak Rabin murder video" and Mani
Mazuz, Israel's Attorney General, states "the Rabbis did not cause
Rabin's murder."

Shimon Peres slanders David Rutstein

"The owner of is a psycho
that should be institutionalized"

David files police complaint against Shimon Peres

David Rutstein has his ads kicked off Google

David's lawyer requests Shimon Peres to apologize

Shimon Peres' reply to David's lawyer letter

David Rutstein arrested in Jerusalem

David Rutstein attends Gush Katif concert wearing sign

David Rutstein files 250,000 shekel ($50,000) lawsuit against Shimon
Peres finally reports on David Rutstein's war

against Shimon Peres

Labor Party's newspaper article on David's lawsuit

David Rutstein - The first person to receive a fine for holding a
sign, in the city of Jerusalem

Amir Peretz informs the Labor Party that Shimon Peres
ordered the murder

David posts bloody pictures of Shimon Peres on his websites (the
beginning of Peres' downfall)

Knesset debates whether to charge David for "incitement"

David tells Jerusalem Post "Peres ordered the murder"

David Rutstein arrested at Yitzhak Rabin's 10th anniversary rally

Shimon Peres' lawyer's ridiculous response to David's lawsuit

Yigal Amir has David's lawyer represent him for the retrial

Dov Even-Or's brilliant rebuttal to Shimon Peres' nonsense

Court date set: March 1st - Rutstein vs Shimon Peres

1,500 huge posters in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv declaring "The Killers
are Free" (to download poster)

The lawsuit continues... Shimon Peres asks David 100 questions

Shimon Peres demands that Judge Dalia Mark throw David's slander
case out of court.

David, representing himself, writes an 8 page response to Shimon
Peres attempt to "get away with murder."

SHOCKER! 1st day in court. Judge requests that Shimon Peres'
attorney withdraw petition to "throw out the lawsuit."

Shimon Peres's attorney files 5 page appeal of Judge Mark's decision
and Dov Even-Or's brilliant response.

Trying to effect the election results, David is arrested in Rabin
Square in Tel Aviv.

Calev Ben David, former editor of the Jerusalem Post, demands the
truth in the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

Shimon Peres is ordered by Judge Mark to pay 3,000 sheckels as
punishment for motion to throw out the case.

The Izrael Police authorities decide not to have David stand trial
for incitement from March 27 arrest.

David Ben-Ariel's blog to bring Shimon Peres to justice

We need your HELP to bring the Shiracmon Peres to justice for the
murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

David Rutstein (the Shimon Peres fund)
PO Box 28376 Jerusalem 91283 Israel
E Mail: David.Rutstein@

d a v i d . r u t s t e i n @ g m a i l . c o m

David Rutstein 052.669.4999 --011.972.52.669.4999
call David Rutstein direct to put Shimon Peres on trial for the
murder of Yitzhak Rabin

From: "Franco JAL JosephArturo Levi MOLCA movim "
[email protected] Subj: Shiracmon PERES assas RABIN KENNEDY
Israeli Books ! SAUDI '' mafia ebraica'' CFR


Yigal Amir - On tape one month after Yitzhak Rabin's murder.

The written text at the beginning of the video states that this
video clip is from December 3rd, 1995 and was given by one of Yigal
Amir's five lawyers to Natan Geffen of Ramat Gan, Israel. Yigal Amir
was arrested the night of Yitzhak Rabin's death on November 4th. The
investigator's name is Yoav Gazit.

Yoav Gazit: The investigator is reading: The political
establishment, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin, planned during the
peace rally that there should be an attempted murder by a right
winger. The investigator now looks up towards Yigal Amir and states:
You said that, right?

Yigal Amir: (Moving his left hand away from his eyes) Yes.

Yoav Gazit: (The investigator repeats with while using hand
movements) There was an operation to serve the government
and for this they would let the person in the sterile area of the
prime minister.

Yigal Amir: There would be blanks by the assassin.

Yoav Gazit: So there should be some assassin.

Comments by David Rutstein:
This interrogation was done on December 3rd. Yitzhak Rabin was
murdered on November 4th. Obviously, Yigal Amir was not cooperating
at this time. In fact, during Yigal Amir's first court on appearance
on December 11 Yigal told Judge Dan Arbel "if I tell the truth, the
entire state will flip upside down, everything is lies." The judge
sent Yigal Amir back for solitary confinement after that outburst.
Lowe and behold , after 40 days Yigal Amir eventually came back to
court and took the blame and publicly acknowledged that the rabbis
encouraged him to murder.

So the obvious question is why would a healthy, intelligent 26 year
old from a religious Jewish family eventually admit to such a
terrible crime and get the rabbis involved in his mess?
After extensive conversations and visits with the Yigal Amir family
and other notable actors in this nationwide cover up there, I have
concluded that the killers used the carrot and stick approach.

Here are some obvious questions: (the % chance that this is the
correct answer)

Q: How and why is Yigal Amir standing next to Yitzhak Rabin and
firing blank bullets?

Yigal Amir was a government agent. (99%)

Why did Yitzhak Rabin sort of-fall down, after hearing the blanks
and turning his head to see what "all that noise is?"

Yitzhak Rabin was expecting a fake assassination attempt (to boost
up his popularity in public opinion polls) and played along. Yitzhak
Rabin was just a lousy actor so he ends up turning his head to see
who shot him. As well, Yitzhak Rabin's fall was not so convincing.

Why did Yigal Amir agree to be a government agent to make religious
Jews look bad?

Yigal Amir was raised in a religious Jewish family in a suburb of
Tel Aviv. People like him don't become government agents to make his
fellow religious Jews. (I know the family - nice people) Even for
$1,000 a week. Yigal Amir got caught for some terrible crime. My
guess is pedophilia. (99% - Yigal Amir got caught for terrible
crime) (90% - Pedophilia - what other crime could be so terrible?)

Why is the Yigal Amir going along with the charade?

Well, Sherlock. Yigal Amir is being blackmailed / threatened
and /or being paid. My guess is that Yigal Amir or his family were
not paid initially. I have spent hours on the telephone with Yigal
Amir's wife, Larissa as well as Yigal Amir's mom, Geula. The younger
brother Amitai and I have had long conversations. I was at the Yigal
Amir house in Herzlia and met Larissa at a restaurant.

Yigal Amir agreed to take the blame for the murder by himself. He
did not consult with family members. Geula Amir was not sure
initially and become 100% certain that her son did not murder
approximately five years ago. Geula Amir tells me personally that
she knows that her son did not murder but will not tell this to
foreign media. Larissa Amir gave a very strong radio interview a few
months ago at my urging but has refused to follow up on any public

My guess is that the government interrogators gave Yigal Amir an
offer that he could not refuse. If Yigal Amir did not "go along"
with the charade they probably would have killed him. It is not so
hard to convince a 26 year old "caught pedophile" from a religious
family to take the blame for a crime that he did not commit.

But the trick is now to convince his family to keep quiet. Yigal
Amir has to be persuaded to convince his Mom, brothers, etc. to go
along with the lie (99%). Geula Amir, Yigal's mom, now knows that
her son was blackmailed (99%). The mom does not want to have her son
in prison for life. There is a deal between the government and the
Amir family for Yigal Amir to get better prison conditions (99%)
(they gave him a wife who he talks hours on the phone every day) and
Yigal Amir, his family and the Israeli government made an agreement
for a specific date for Yigal Amir's to be released from jail (99%).
This agreement was made a few years ago and Yigal
Amir was transferred to Ramle prison from Beer Sheva prison.

The government of Israel and Yigal Amir have a slight problem. The
government cannot fulfill the agreement because too many people know
(because of my hebrew and english web sites and other folks who have
worked on this issue) that Yigal Amir did not murder. You cannot
release Yigal Amir from jail after 11 years unless the government is
planning on putting the real killers on trial. At this moment, the
Israeli government is not willing to put Shimon Peres on trial and
the government is just waiting and hoping that Shimon Peres dies.

We are talking about high stakes negotiations and it really would
not surprise me if a lot of money is changing hands at this point in
time. If I was Yigal Amir, I would be demanding millions per year in
jail and do 20 years max. Geula Amir was very nice to me, I believe,
just to get more money out of the Israeli government. Now that I
think of it, Yigal Amir and family are getting money from the
Israeli government (99%). In my opinion, the family has only
recently been receiving money from the Israeli government. I don't
believe that the Amir family was receiving money in previous years

Is the family afraid of being killed by the killers of Yitzhak Rabin?
No (100%).

Was Yigal Amir afraid for his life when he initially stood trial?
probably (90%)

Why is the Rabin family going along with the charade?

At first the Rabin family was not sure. Leah Rabin, the wife started
to get real public in her doubts. Leah subsequently died in
November, 2000. Dalia Rabin, the daughter also became public in her
doubts and the family now knows with 100 percent certainty the their
father played along with the fake assassination and the real murder
was on the way to the hospital. Dalia Rabin was a minister in Ehud
Barak's government in 1999 and currently runs the Yitzhak Rabin
Center for Peace in Tel Aviv. The center is government funded. In
essence, Dalia Rabin is being paid to keep her mouth shut. As well,
Dalia Rabin loves her father. Dalia Rabin is happy that half the
country of Israel feels her father died a hero so why crash the
party especially when they are paying you. An added bonus for a
leftist like Dalia Rabin is that the religious Jewish community are
being blamed for her father's murder. (100%)

Why is the right wing establishment going along with the charade?

At first the right wing religious establishment actually felt bad
that a religious Jew murdered. Shimon Peres was using the Yitzhak
Rabin murder to bash religious Jews. Thankfully, Shimon Peres got
caught for murder and agreed to lose the 1996 elections as
punishment to Bibi Netanyahu. The right wing of Israeli was happy to
win that election and why rock the boat. In subsequent years Ehud
Barak became Prime Minister, appointed the Shas political party
leader (a religious party), Eli Yishai, as the interior minister.
Eli Yishai's job is to keep his political party quiet.

Barak's government fell and Ariel Sharon, the right winger became
Prime Minister. Ariel Sharon turned out to be left wing but the
ultra - orthodox politicians in Israel really enjoy having Shimon
Peres in high leadership posts, because Shimon Peres is so easy to

The national religious politicians are confused. They don't know
what to do. These politicians are moderate by nature and don't want
to spoil "the zionist enterprise." Most of these politicians were in
power ten years ago and letting such a dumb murder be used to
slander the community you represent for ten years makes the
politician seem like an idiot. "If the glove fits." The politicians
for religious zionist politicians are really dumb. I met them.

Many of the religious jewish media now report freely on the Yitzhak
Rabin murder fraud and the vast majority of the religious Jewish
population in Israel now know that Yigal Amir shot blanks. Why rock
the boat? It is much easier to for a religious knesset member to
blackmail a fellow Knesset member for a few hundred million shekels
behind closed doors that to take a risk into the unknown.

An Israeli politician earns 35,000 shekels per month plus perks.
While a religious politician would earn 10,000 per month without
perks if he was not in the Knesset. I met these guys and they are
real losers. So it hard to expect these religious Jewish politicians
to make good decisions, since they let the slander of their
community continue for ten years.

One of the positive aspects of my work over the last year is that
the Israeli media has somewhat stopped slandering the religious
Jewish community based on the Yitzhak Rabin murder.

by David Rutstein Message 6 From: "Franco JAL JosephArturo Levi
MOLCA movim " molcalevi@ Subj: The last days of Israel

also pse see ; [email protected]

Shabtai Tzvi , Labor Zionism and the Holocaust . In this latest
volume , Mr. Chamish puts all the pieces together and solves the
mystifying issues of modern anti-semitism , anti-Zionism and the

Save Israel! Mr. Chamish's blockbuster that is a shocking
revelation on the events and conspiracies that our making our world
an ever more dangerous place. Softcover: 336 pages
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? Who murdered Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin? Was it a fanatic right-wing loner, or is the truth
more sinister? Mr. Chamish's end conclusion is that Yigal Amir did
not murder Yitzhak Rabin. Softcover: 196 pages

Israel Betrayed
In this book, readers will learn why Yitzhak Rabin was murdered,
how Baruch Goldstein was framed for a massacre he did not commit,
when murder was used to keep "peace" on track, who is behind
Israel's suicide and why the Israeli people don't suspect the truth.

The Last Days of Israel Mr. Chamish goes farther than ever
before. He names names, He identifies Israel's hidden enemies and
tells readers who really murdered Yitzhak Rabin.

Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? The Video
Author Barry Chamish proved to a skeptical audience in Jerusalem
that the person imprisoned for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, could
not have committed the act.


Shiracmon Peres murdered US Congressman Wayne Owens

from www.BARRYCHAMISH.COM Wayne Owens, U.S. Congressman,
murdered by "serial killer" Shiracmon Peres Here is why Rep. Wayne
Owens was murdered in Tel Aviv. He is another victim of Shimon
Peres' decades old murderama. Let us begin with some background from
the Washington Post before we sort out the murder:

"Wayne Owens, 65, a Utah Democrat who had represented Salt Lake City
in the House of Representatives for eight years and who was a
founder of Washington's Center for Middle East Peace and Economic
Cooperation, was found dead Dec. 18 on a beach in Tel Aviv. A State
Department spokesman said that the cause of death was unknown but
that there were no signs of foul play.

His death came at the end of a congressional delegation visit with
leaders of Syria, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Israel and
representatives of the Palestinian Authority. On the House's Foreign
Affairs and Permanent Select Intelligence committees, Rep. Owens was
an advocate of improved Middle East relations. Since leaving
Congress in 1993, he had served as president of the Middle East
Peace Center.

He co-founded the center with Slim Fast Foods Chairman S. Daniel
Abraham in 1989 and worked with Middle East leaders to promote peace
through economic development. He was present at the September 1993
White House peace summit at which then-Israeli President Yitzhak
Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat shook hands. His interest
in international relations sprung chiefly from his work on the
Foreign Affairs Committee. In 1989, he held a controversial meeting
in Tunisia with Arafat, during which he raised congressional concern
about Palestinian-sponsored terrorism. Still, the visit raised the
ire of some Israeli activists."

Now let's introduce the characters:

Yossi Ginosar - Deputy head of the General Security Services until
1987 when he was forced to retire after two serious perjury
scandals. Nonetheless, he was appointed special emissary to the PLO
by Prime Ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, and Barak. In early
December 2002, the newspaper Maariv exposed Ginosar's embezzlement
scam with Arafat and Arafat's paymaster Muhamed Rashid. The scandal
was destined to lead to the kickbacks and payoffs that reached the
pockets of Shimon Peres, Barak and Pres. Bill Clinton, but it has
been effectively covered up by the Israeli media. Member of the
board of the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

Hani Masri - Partner of Owens and Daniel Abraham. With the help of
Clinton and Owens, he swindled the American people of $60 million,
supposedly aimed at increasing economic activities in the PA, but
which has subsequently disappeared. "From OPIC.GOV West Bank / Gaza
& Jordan Fund Capital Investment Management Corporation Canceled
West Bank/Gaza and Jordan at least 60% in West Bank/Gaza 60 Equity
investments in basic service and manufacturing companies. Contact
Information for West Bank / Gaza & Jordan Fund Organization Title
Name Address Telephone Fax International Capital Advisors Scott
Stupay 6862 Elm Street, Suite 720 McLean, VA 22101 703-847-0870 703-
847-3068" Here is a transcript of the founding of the fund:
http://www.usembassy- Needless to
say, Masri sits on the board of the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

Daniel Abraham - Leading donor to the Shimon Peres Peace Center.
Most prolific moneyman behind the Oslo "peace" process. Member of
the board of the Shimon Peres Center For Peace.

Stephen P. Cohen - American professor, leading American Jewish
advocate of Oslo process. A steady contributor to the editorial
pages of such august journals as the New York Times. Was exposed by
Maariv two weeks before Owens' murder as a partner in the
Ginosar/Arafat embezzlement scandals. Ginosar's partner Ozrad Lev,
who spilled the beans to Maariv, claimed Cohen had large stakes in
phoney companies founded to launder the $350 million Arafat stole
from his people, which Ginosar and Lev deposited for him in a Swiss
bank. He is now under investigation by Israel Police for his part in
the Ginosar scandal. Go to Owens own website and look at
his "Business Development Organization" file. What do you know,
Owens' business organization was set up by Stephen P. Cohen and
Daniel Abraham! Member of the board of the Shimon Peres Center For

Here is what Shimon Peres has to say about Cohen and Abraham on
Owns' site:

"In all likelihood, much of what Dan Abraham and Wayne Owens have
done, working through the Center, to help Israel normalize relations
with her neighbors will never be fully appreciated. I began
counseling with them regularly ten years ago and we have become
close friends as a result. Then, as now, they constantly asked
questions, tested ideas, and carefully passed along messages between
the region's leaders. Now the Center must expand in order to
undertake new projects that could lead to significant diplomatic and
economic benefits to the Middle East. The potential here is
enormous." - Shimon Peres

Now for more damning information from the website. The comments in
brackets are not mine, but those of my brilliant correspondent David

"The Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation was
established in 1989 by Slim Fast Foods Chairman S. Daniel Abraham
and Utah Congressman Wayne Owens. A World War II combat veteran, Mr.
Abraham had experienced the horrors of war and committed himself to
the prevention of future conflicts. When he met Congressman Owens,
who served on the House Foreign Affairs and Select Intelligence
Committees, the two men recognized that they shared a determination
to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

"In 1990, they recruited Dr. Stephen Cohen to join the Center and
bring his experience in unofficial diplomacy and conflict resolution
to the organization. Ms. Sara Ehrman, long time peace activist and
former Senior Political Advisor at the Democratic National
Committee, became Senior Advisor at the Center in early 1997.

"Since its founding, the Center's officers have traveled extensively
and regularly throughout the Middle East. We have also sponsored
numerous fact finding missions to the region for Members of
Congress, government officials, and private citizens to meet with
Middle East leaders. Visiting Israel and more than 20 Arab
countries, the Center has enabled American decision makers to
witness first hand the challenges facing leaders who seek peace in
the region.

"During these visits, the Center was able to open unprecedented
[read, "illegal"] channels of communication as it formed close
relationships [read "payoffs"] with the leadership of all parties
involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through the discussions with
Middle Eastern leaders, it became apparent that there is a role for
the private sector to play in promoting and protecting the Middle
East peace process. [Raking in millions of dollars in business

"Each year, the Center sponsors a Consultation on the New Middle
East. The Consultations bring groups of business leaders and policy
makers together for private, off the record meetings [so no one will
know about the illegal business dealings and payoffs] which seek to
create an environment that encourages the prospects for peace in the
Middle East. The Center also conducts an annual Retrospective on the
Peace Process-a public forum where leading policy makers from the
Middle East and United States exchange fresh ideas on the peace

"Over the past eight years, the Center for Middle East Peace and
Economic Cooperation has sponsored numerous activities aimed at
bringing policy makers and influential leaders in the private sector
together to foster the atmosphere necessary for the promotion and
protection of Middle East peace [by bribing them and then holding
them hostage to blackmail in the future].

"As a result of these efforts, the Center has become an address for
leaders seeking a dialogue among government officials and the
private sector."

Now here is how Owens most likely died:

Barely a fortnight before, Rep. Owens learned the Ginosar scandal
broke in Israel. He was either terrified or furious. It's a tossup.
If he was terrified, it was because it wouldn't be long before his
direct ties to Stephen Cohen would implicate him deeply in the
scandals. If he was furious, it was because he finally learned how
badly he had been scammed by Shimon Peres, Abraham, Masri and Cohen.
Either way, he threatened to blow the whistle on the Shimon Peres
Peace Center. He was poisoned at dinner and dead on a beach by 9 PM.
Rep. Owens is now another notch on Shimon Peres' gunbelt.

Read more about the subject in Barry`s archives

Volunteers needed to bring Shimon Peres to justice. Please call
David Rutstein 052.669.4999 (Israel) or 011.972.52.669.4999
(everywhere else).

Each and every Israeli Knesset member knows that the real killers of
Wayne Owens and Yitzhak Rabin are free! Individuals must make the
effort to email, fax, call or personally visit these Knesset members
and demand justice for the killers of Wayne Owens, Yitzhak Rabin and
so many others. "Our hands hath not shed the blood..."


[email protected] ; molcalevi @

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